The idea of having a higher educated population in Arizona is exciting. Both articles highlight the benefits of seeking a higher education including higher wages, more jobs, and less poverty.
Both articles really fail to recognize the barriers many people are up against when planning to attend college. Nearly everyone is aware that attending college and earning a degree will boost your chances to get paid highly yet it’s difficult to remain optimistic while planning an education journey given the cost to make these dreams a reality.
For students who have to be providers for their homes, finding the resources and finances for their education can be difficult. The time, money and effort in getting a degree can be too large of a sacrifice for these individuals.
There are peers of mine who have spent tens of thousands of dollars pursuing a degree when at the end of their journey, they have to spend their earnings on their student debt, telling their friends and family how it’s not worth it.
Sometimes students, after spending thousands on their degree, want to change their major yet cannot afford to, leaving them with no choice but to stick to a career they’re not happy with.
For many people, seeking higher education is more than a sacrifice. Although the idea of being paid a higher amount in your career is an enticing benefit, the cost of schooling in the United States deters many from even considering it. I also find it a little silly how we encourage others to continue the education journey yet do not pay our educators accordingly, despite knowing the extreme importance their jobs hold.
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