Why Do People Love Horror films?
Typically, when picking out a movie, audiences want something easily digestible, fun and has a little bit of something everyone watching can enjoy. So, why can’t it be a horror movie? Too scary? Too much blood? Maybe you’re tired of the predictability scary movies all seem to share. Horror is a much broader genre than most people assume. Not every horror film is scary and not every horror film has a mass amount of gore, some have none at all.
I believe, since horror is so broad, there is a film in the genre for everyone. You will often hear horror categorized more neatly under their sub-genres such as slashers, found footage, paranormal, creature features, cosmic, the list goes on.
There are also horror films that are a direct parody of your typical scary movie troupes. Such as Scream, Cabin in the Woods and, the more notorious, Scary Movie franchise. This subgenre of horror is ironically perfect for those who have a disdain for the genre.